Step One
Teacher delivers content
Proficiency Assessment on Skills and Standards
20-20 Vision on Assessments and Data for All Students
(909) 577-2020
Get access to a year's worth of items for your child (4 standardized assessments) for your child! Register a parent account today!
During the payment process, you will be asked to supply tutoring information for your child so that they can view the progress!
One year for $399. Multiple Children? Save $40 per child! Don't fall behind in the virtual world!
Personalized Growth Process for all students!
Teacher delivers content
Students are assessed on the content via our online platform
Individualized Data is delivered to students including additional remediation links and questions
Teachers reinforce content for individual students
Not only does PASS-2020 assess and track standards in real time, we also provide the opportunity to upload other assessment data so that you have one location to review and download a student's performance!
We have a generic student and teacher account setup that you can login and see what you are missing.
Try out our online assessment solution. Complete the contact form below and "Create Demo Account." Your login will be created instantly for you!